About Us!

Who is The Sustainable Sunflower?

Hi there! I'm Alfia, the creator behind The Sustainable Sunflower. I am a nature loving, crystal collector from the UK. I spend my time handcrafting these Macramé crystal creations (necklaces, anklets & wall-hangings). I do this all with a strong environmental mindset, prioritising our beautiful Mother Earth <3


My story:

I began my crystal healing journey at 16 years old, when I bought my first ever Clear Quartz crystal. From there on, I am continued to be amazed by the beauty that radiates from each individual stone and the healing properties they provide. I have managed to heal personal ailments with the support of gemstones and this inspired me to share my passion with others; thus lead to the birth of The Sustainable Sunflower in 2020, which I now have sold over 1k crystal healing creations across the world! I hope to continue sharing my love for crystals and their amazing healing properties with thousands of like-minded people across the globe.


What makes us so special?

Well, this one is easy! Because ALL of my crystal creations are handmade and wrapped in HEMP cord. Hemp is an amazing material which holds incredible properties and is one of the most environmentally friendly and sustainable resources available. What an honour it is to use this in my crafts everyday!

( If you would like to learn more about hemp click here )


Where can you find us?

For those of you who prefer an in-person shopping experience you can currently find my products in the following stockists;


Harvest Moon, 36 Bucklersbury, Hitchin SG5 1BG


Budds Bus Shop2140 S Riverside Dr #17, Edgewater, FL 32141, USA


My promise to you!

One thing I strive for is sustainability; this has massively influenced how I run The Sustainable Sunflower, right from the start. This goes as deep as researching the materials that I use not only in my crafts but also in my packaging. My promise to you is that you will NEVER  find any plastic in your order from me. Everything is either recyclable or biodegradable! Even my beautiful stickers are biodegradable as they are made with ethically-sourced wood pulp. Here we want to honour our Mother Earth, not harm her <3

Want to discover more? 

Here's a few places where you can keep up with my latest news, ongoing products and future shop updates:



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 I hope that my creations can bring you a sense of gentle healing, peace & self-love,

Alfia / The Sustainable Sunflower